Registration for the Ethical Forum


To register for participation please fill in the form below and submit it by clicking "Submit" at the bottom of this page.
Participation is free of charge, but advance registration is requested.

Participants are warmly invited to formulate viewpoints, reactions, questions, remarks, ... to be discussed by the keynote speakers or the panel members. They can do so either in the form below, or by e-mail to Some of them may be invited to briefly spell out their remarks orally during the Forum. 

Participants may take lunch at the University Foundation. Price 35 €. Please register below and pay the amount for the lunch to the account BE21 2100 7148 4103 of the University Foundation.

Above a registering participant can write down any suggestion, question, remark, point of view, ... to be used as a discussion item.The participant may also add a discussion note as a pfd-file or a doc-file. These discussion items will be transmitted to the keynote speakers and the panel members to be used in the discussion. If a participant wants to submit comments after having registered, please send an e-mail to
The personal data in this form will only be used for communication related to activities of the University Foundation. You can request that the data be removed by sending an email to