Programme Ethical Forum 2017 - Thursday December 7, 2017
What place (if any) for academics in our post-truth era ?
Registration 13.30 - 14.00
Part 1: 14.00 – 15.30
Jacques WILLEMS (chairman of the University Foundation)
Bart Pattyn (co-ordinator of the Ethical Forum 2017)
Keynote addresses
- Peter ACHTERBERG, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, Trust in scientific methods and scientific institutions
- Hilde VAN DEN BULCK, University of Antwerp, Media, Fake News and Science/Scientists in the Post-Truth era
- Cédric COURTOIS, KU Leuven, News feeds on Social media: How bad is it?
Part 2: 16.00 – 18.00
Panel discussion chaired by Bart PATTYN
- Didier POURQUERY, The Conversation, France
- Christophe LECLERCQ, Founder EARACTIV Media and Associate Professor Université Libre de Bruxelles Institut d'Études Européennes
- Vincent YZERBYT, Université Catholique de Louvain
- Luc SOETE, Maastricht University, The Netherlands (due to a last minute change of the time schedule of another meeting, Prof Soete could unfortunately not be present)
General discussion: Keynote speakers, panel members and audience
Concluding remarks by Philippe VAN PARIJS
The presentations, the concluding remarks, and a number of interesting relevant background documents can be found in the "DOWNLOADS 2017" section of this website.