Ethical Forum 2019 - Programme
Academics as soldiers ?
Welcome desk 13.30 - 14.00
Part 1: 14.00 – 15.30
Jacques WILLEMS (chair of the University Foundation)
Introduction and Chair of the first part
Bart PATTYN (coordinator of the Ethical Forum 2019)
Keynote addresses
- Erno VANDEWEERT (Policy Officer Defence Research, European Commission) The European Defence Fund: EU funding for defence research and development.
- Jo COELMONT Brigadegeneraal (Ret) (Voormalig Permanente Militaire vertegenwoordiger voor België bij de EU, Senior Research Fellow at Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, Senior Fellow at the Royal Higher Institute for Defence) Maintaining peace and acquiring knowledge: two sides of the same coin.
- Quentin MICHEL (Unité d’Etudes Européennes, Faculté de droit et de science politique de l’Université de Liège) May EU Universities contribute to defense related research : when principles confront financial necessity.
Short interventions from the floor
Part 2: 16.00 – 18.00
Panel discussion chaired by Dominique WILLEMS
- Christophe WASINSKI (Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales, Département de science politique, Center REPI - recherche en politiques internationales, ULB)
- Johan DE TAVERNIER (Faculteit Godgeleerdheid, KU Leuven, chair VLIR working group "Dual Use")
- Federico SANTOPINTO (analyst at GRIP - Groupe de recherche sur la paix et la sécurité - specialized on EU integration and external and defence policies)
- Frédéric MAURO (former French civil servant in Foreign Affairs, specialist on European defence, research associate IRIS)
- Bart PATTYN (Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, coordinator Ethical Forum 2019)
General discussion: Keynote speakers, panel members and audience
Concluding remarks by Philippe VAN PARIJS
The available presentations and a number of interesting relevant background documents can be found in the "DOWNLOADS 2019" section of this website.