Programme Ethical Forum 2013
Part 1: 14.00 – 15.45 h
Welcome address :
by prof. Jacques Willems, Chairman of the University Foundation
Introduction to the subject:
by prof. Patrick Loobuyck, Coordinator of the Ethical Forum, University of Antwerp/Ghent University
Keynote addresses:
- Liudvika Leisyte, professor of higher education, Center for Higher Education (ZHB), TU Dortmund, Germany: "Being an academic in Europe and in the U.S. : role differentiation, shifting identities and protected spaces"
- Egbert de Weert, senior researcher (em.), Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), University of Twente, NL: "System constraints and the shaping of professorial work in teaching and research"
Herman De Dijn, em. professor at the Institute of Philosophy of the KULeuven: "Professors or professionals?"
Frank Willaert, professor medieval Dutch literature at the University of Antwerp
Short interpellations
Some short prepared contributions (“interpellations”) (max 3 min) from the floor: Jocelyn Robert (Université de Liège), Jolien Gay (Itinera), Heleen Touquet (Actiegroep Hoger Onderwijs)
Part 2: 16.15 – 18.00 h
Panel discussion chaired by Patrick Loobuyck:
Dominique Willems, em. professor French linguistics at Ghent University
Michel Gevers, em. professor mathematical engineering UCLouvain
Mark Waer, prorector and professor medical science KULeuven
Liesbet Geris, professor biomedical engineering ULg & KULeuven
General discussion
Conclusions by Philippe Van Parijs, Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale, UCLouvain
Most of the presentations or texts, as well as some interesting relevant background documents, can be found in the DOWNLOADS section of this website.