Downloads - Ethical forum

Author Description Download

Room for ev eryone's talent: towards a new balance in recognising and rewarding academics.

PDF icon Position-paper-Room-for-everyone’s-talent copie.pdf
European Commission

Proposal for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on attractive and sustainable careers in higher education

PDF icon Proposal for a Council Recommendation on attractive and sustainable careers in higher education.pdf
Bert Overlaet

A Pathway towards Multidimensional Academic Careers

PDF icon LERU_PositionPaper_Framework-for-the-Assessment-of-Researchers.pdf
De Dijn, al.

Being a professor in 2016. Position paper by a working group of the KVAB (Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Arts and Sciences)

PDF icon kvab_beingaprofessor.pdf
Bregt Saenen et al.

Reimagining Academic Career Assessment: Stories of innovation and change

PDF icon eua-dora-sparc_case study report.pdf

The state of academic careers in OECD countries – an evidence review

PDF icon ea9d3108-en.pdf
Van der Perre G. & Van Campenhout J. e.a.

Position paper of a working group of the Academy (KVAB)

PDF icon tw_blended-learning_nl.pdf
De Dijn H.

Introduction to colloquium organized by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and Arts (KVAB), Sept 13, 2016.

PDF icon KVAB-inleiding 13 sept.pdf
Philippe Van Parijs

Too many students?  On the purpose, legitimacy and adequacy of university entry and orientation tests.  Philippe VAN PARIJS, in Ethical Perspectives 23, 2016, 336-43.

PDF icon 2016.Too Many students.pdf
P. Van Parijs

Concluding remarks by Philippe Van Parijs

PDF icon Van_Parijs_concluding_remarks.pdf
Van der Perre G. & Van Campenhout J. (ed.)

Texts of the Thnkers' Project of the Academy (KVAB)

PDF icon tw_blended-learning_en.pdf
H. De Dijn et al.

Professoraat anno 2016. Standpunt gepubliceerd door de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie.

PDF icon professoraat-anno-2016 (1).pdf
Diana Laurillard

Thinking about blended learning

PDF icon DP_BlendedLearning_Thinking-about.pdf
Pierre Dillenbourg

No time to lose

PDF icon DP_BlendedLearning_No-time-to-lose (1).pdf
Elke Sleurs

Speech by Mrs. Elke SLEURS

PDF icon speech_Sleurs.pdf
F. Pigeyre

Presentation by F. Pigeyre

PDF icon F. Pigeyre Brussels 08 12 16.pdf
La Libre Belgique

Article in the newspaper "La Libre Belgique" (November 20, 2014) : "L'université face à la révolution Moocs"

PDF icon article_Libre_Belgique.pdf
A. Cornet

Presentation by A. Cornet

PDF icon cornet-2.pdf
P. Meier

Presentation by P. Meier

PDF icon meier.pdf

Concluding remarks by Philippe VAN PARIJS

PDF icon concluding_remarks_Phillipe_Van_Parijs.pdf
Isabelle DURANT

Presentation by Isabelle DURANT

PDF icon ppt_durant.pdf
Michel Gevers

Introduction by Michel Gevers

PDF icon Introduction-MGevers.pdf
A. Hubert

Presentation by A. Hubert

PDF icon hubert.pdf
K. Hens

Presentation by K. Hens

PDF icon womeninacademia_hens.pdf
Diana Laurillard

Presentation by Diana Laurillard at the Ethical Forum

PDF icon presentation_Laurillard.pdf
Philippe Van Parijs

"Reaction and Debate" in Ethical Perspectives, vol. 25, n° 1, pp. 143-148, 2018

PDF icon Reaction and Debate.pdf

Reports by GENDER-NET, a project funded by the European Union.

PDF icon GENDER-NET_D3-11_Manuals_with_guidelines_on_the_integration_of_sex_and_gender_analysis_into_research_web_.pdf, PDF icon GENDER-NET_D3-10_-_Comparative_analysis_of_existing_national_initiatives_on_the_integration_of_the_gender_dimension_in_research_contents.pdf, PDF icon Rapport_Gender-net_2-8-v3.pdf
Erno Vandeweert

power Point prsentation by Erno VANDEWEERT

PDF icon vandeweert.pdf
VALCKE, Martin

Presentation by Martin VALCKE.

PDF icon US_091221_Valcke.pdf
Marieke van den Brink

Myths about Meritocracy and Transparency

PDF icon Marieke Van den Brink Myths about Meritocracy and Transparency.pdf
Pierre Dillenbourg

Presentation by Pierre Dillenbourg at the Ethical Forum

PDF icon presentation_Dillenbourg_1.pdf, PDF icon presentation_Dillenbourg_2.pdf, PDF icon presentation_Dillenbourg_3.pdf, PDF icon presentation_Dillenbourg_4.pdf, PDF icon presentation_Dillenbourg_5.pdf
Philippe Van Parijs

Concluding remarks by Philippe Van Parijs

PDF icon Ethical Forum2017_concluding_remarks_PVParijs.pdf
Quentin MICHEL

Power Point prsentation by Quentin MICHEL

PDF icon quentin.pdf
M. Hausman, L. Leduc & P. Detroz

Presentation by M. Hausman, L. Leduc & P. Detroz

PDF icon HausmanLeduc&Detroz_LA-Assessment_OK.pdf
Bart Pattyn

Intervention by Bart Pattyn at the Ethical Forum

PDF icon Bart Pattyn.pdf
Federico Santopinto

Article by F. Santopinto

PDF icon Industrie de défense européenne. Le choix entre deux options.pdf
Philippe Van Parijs

Concluding Remarks by Philippe Van Parijs

PDF icon EF Chat GPT Conclusions (with acknowledgements).pdf
Peter Achterberg

Slides of the presentation by Peter Achterberg

PDF icon slides brussels P Achterberg.pdf
Peter Sloep

Presentation by Peter Sloep at the Ethical Forum

PDF icon presentation_Sloep.pdf
Arianna Valentini

Presentation bij keynote speaker Arianna Valentini

PDF icon presentation _ valentini.pdf
Christophe Wasinski

Power Point prsentation by Christophe Wasinski

PDF icon wasinski_2019.pdf

Concluding remarks, published as a column  in The Brussels Times.

PDF icon BT 12 Is politics part of the universities' job (UF) [100155].pdf
Hilde Van den Bulck

Slides of the presentation by Hilde Van den Bulck

PDF icon vandenbulck.pdf
B. Wächter

Presentation by B. Wächter

PDF icon print_waechter.pdf
Cédric Courtois

Slides of the presentation by Cédric Courtois

PDF icon courtois_ethicalforum.pdf
Guillaume Miquelard-Garnier

Intervention by Guillaume Miquelard-Garnier at the Ethical Forum

PDF icon Miquelard Ethical Forum 2014.pdf

Presentation by Tinne De Laet

PDF icon Assessment of Student Achievement in HE - two thoughts - TinneDeLaet.pdf
Didier Pourquery

Slides of the presentation by Didier Pourquery

PDF icon pourquery.pdf
Frédéric MAURO

Intervention by panel member Frédéric MAURO

PDF icon Mauro_2019 12 05.pdf
K. Lauridsen

Presentation by K. Lauridsen

PDF icon print_lauridsen.pdf
Christophe Leclercq

Slides of the presentation by Christophe Leclercq

PDF icon leclercq.pdf
Philippe Van Parijs

Personal conclusions and synthesis

PDF icon 2015.11.EF_.Conclusions.pdf
Georges Van der Perre

Presentation by Georges Van der Perre at the Ethical Forum

PDF icon presentation_VanderPerre.pdf
Vincent Yzerbyt

Slides of the presentation by Vincent Yzerbyt

PDF icon yzerbyt.pdf
Frédérique PIGEYRE

Les carrières des femmes à l’université : une synthèse de résultats de recherche dans trois disciplines

PDF icon les-carrieres-des-femmes-a-l-universite.pdf
Sarah Cardinal

Contribution by Sarah Cardinal

PDF icon Sarah-Cardinal.pdf

Abstract of the background address by Martin VALCKE

PDF icon abstract_valcke.pdf

Short intervention by Joos Vandewalle

PDF icon Statement_vandewalle.pdf
F. Grin

Presenttaion by F. Grin

PDF icon print_grin.pdf
Philippe Van Parijs

Concluding remarks by Philippe Van Parijs

PDF icon Will Universities survive the e-learning revolution_Revised.pdf
F. van Splunder

Presentation by F. van Splunder

PDF icon print_van_splunder.pdf
Aleksandra Samonek

Short intervention by Aleksandra Samonek

PDF icon AleksandraSamonekInterpellation-EthicalForum-DRAFT.pdf

Six steps to gender equality

PDF icon curt_rice_6-Steps-to-Gender-Equality1.pdf
Jean-François REES

Presentation by J.F.Rees

PDF icon Rees_Ethical Forum.pdf
Bart Pattyn

Problem statement

PDF icon Ethical forum Academic research for the military.pdf
Jean-Michel CHAUMONT

Topic of the Ethical Forum 2022

PDF icon EF_2022 (2).pdf
Seger Breugelmans

Presentation by keynote speaker Seger Breugelmans

PDF icon presentation- Breugelmans.pdf
Several participants

Discussions from the floor

PDF icon discussiebijdragen.pdf
Dirk Van Damme

Presentation by Dirk Van Damme

PDF icon vandanne_EF2015.pdf
Patrick Loobuyck

Newspaper article in "De Standaard" (21 November 2013)

PDF icon DeStandaard_Loobuyck_21nov2013.pdf
Liudvika Leisyte

Presentation by prof.  Liudvika Leisyte: Abstract and Power Point presentation

Microsoft Office document icon LeisyteAbstract.doc, PDF icon FOrOnlineLeisyteBrusselsNov2013.pdf
R. Hartsuiker

Discussion note by R. Hartsuiker

PDF icon Hartsuiker_Note_Lemma.pdf
Egbert de Weert

Presentation by dr. Egbert de Weert (Power Point)

PDF icon PPT DeWeert (2) Forum Brussel.pdf
Ria Verjauw

Report submitted by the "Vlaamse Vredesactie"

PDF icon vredesactie.pdf

Policy document FWB

PDF icon FWB policy on higher education.pdf

Article by Dominique VERPOORTEN in "La libre Belgique" (december 15, 2023, p. 35)

PDF icon text_verpoorten.pdf
Pierre Dillenbourg et al.

Massive Open Online Courses: Current State and Perspectives

PDF icon dillenbourg_MOOC.pdf
Jeroen Huisman

Presentation by Jeroen Huisman

PDF icon huisman_Ethical Forum 2015.pdf
Herman De Dijn

Contribution "Professors or Professionals?" and supporting papers by em. prof. Herman De Dijn.

PDF icon HDeDijn-Ethical Forum 2013.pdf, PDF icon dedijn_2002.pdf, PDF icon dedijn_2007.pdf

Problem statement by the coordnator of the Ethical Forum 2017.

PDF icon tekstBP_Ethical forum 2017.pdf
Université de Liège

Université de Liège: État des lieux des études sur le genre 

PDF icon 2014-genre-ulg-last-dec-executive summary.pdf, PDF icon genre-ulg-2014-last-dec.pdf
Frank Willaert

"Can we fall in love again? A testimony." Contribution by prof. Frank Willaert.

PDF icon tekst_Willaert.pdf

Published on line  in "Bij Nader Inzien".

Also in KNACK on line.

PDF icon Facts matter_ over academici in het post-truth tijdperk – Bij Nader Inzien.pdf
Dominique Willems

"Het professoraat anno 2010. Koorddansen tussen Bologna en Lissabon." Text of a lecture related to the topic of EF 2013

PDF icon tekst_Dominique_Willems.pdf
Wouter Duyck

Presentation by Wouter Duyck

PDF icon duyck ethical forum 12 november 2015.pdf
Georges Van der Perre and Jan Van Campenhout

Viewpoint of the Class of Technical Science of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium on Blended Learning (in Dutch, with an executive summary in English)

PDF icon tw_blended_learning_150613.pdf
European Union

Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 - see Article 19(2).

PDF icon l_34720131220en01040173.pdf.en_.pdf
Michel Gevers

Power Point Presentation and supporting paper "Scientific performance indicators: a critical appraisal and a country by country analysis" by em. Prof. Michel Gevers

PDF icon EthicalForum-Gevers-Final.pdf, PDF icon AE-Paper-MGevers.pdf

Plan d'action ULB

PDF icon ULB_rapportgenre20142015.pdf
Sabine Van Doorslaer

Academia in a post-truth era – a reflection.

PDF icon Academia in a post-truth era – a reflection.pdf

Plan d'action UCLouvain

PDF icon Rapport_Egalite_Genre_UCL_2013_2014.pdf
Liesbet Geris

Presentation by Liesbet Geris

PDF icon GERIS_UF_ethicalforum.pdf
Université de Mons

Rapport Genre Université de Mons

PDF icon UMons_Rapport Genre.pdf

Sildes for the panel discussion

PDF icon PositioningtestVandewalle.pdf
Itinera Institute

Presentation and supporting documents for an intervention in EF 2013

PDF icon dias_Itinera_Presentatie Ethical Forum FINAL.pdf, PDF icon Itinera_PR12_enqueteenseignementsuperieur_FR.PDF, PDF icon Itinera_PR12_Hogeschoolenquete_NL.PDF
Université Saint-Louis

Plan d'action Université Saint-Louis

PDF icon genre_saint_louis.pdf
Université de Namur

Plan d'action Université de Namur

PDF icon Rapport genre UNamur 2014 Claire Lobet.pdf
William Guillet

Slides for the panel discussion

PDF icon presentation FEF - WGuillet.pdf
Actiegroep HO

Presentation for an intervention in EF 2013

PDF icon Actiegroep_Presentation EF.pdf

VLIR Actieplan

PDF icon VLIR Actieplan Gender_Summary.pdf

Beleidsplan en Statistieken UGent

PDF icon beleidsplan gender UGent_2014.pdf, PDF icon Statistieken Gender aan de UGent 2013-1.pdf
NVAO (Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie)

Memorandum by the NVAO, the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders

PDF icon NVAO_MOOCs_and_online_HE_A_survey_June_2014.pdf
Universiteit Antwerpen

Universiteit Antwerpen: Actieplan en Concrete acties 

PDF icon Strategisch actieplan 'Duurzaam genderbeleid voor academisch personeel[1].pdf, PDF icon Concrete acties en timing.pdf

Richtlijnen voor onderzoekers over dual use en misuse van onderzoek

PDF icon 2017VLIR003_FolderOnderzoek_NL_DEF_20180212.pdf
T. DE LAET e.a

"Learning Analytics" in het Vlaams Hoger Onderwijs

PDF icon tw_learninganalytics.pdf
Various authors

Some newspaper items related to the topic of EF 2013

PDF icon diverse_persartikelen.pdf

Genderrapport KU Leuven

PDF icon KULeuven_Genderrapport_def_versie.pdf
KU Leuven

Beleidsplan KU Leuven

PDF icon KULv_BRO_GENDERACTIE tweede druk.pdf
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Genderactieplan VUB

PDF icon GenderActiePlan_VUB.pdf
Universiteit Hasselt

Beleidsplan Gender Universiteit Hasselt

PDF icon Beleidsplan Gender UHasselt.pdf

Chat GPT and AI in higher education

PDF icon ChatGPT-and-Artificial-Intelligence-in-higher-education-Quick-Start-guide_EN_FINAL.pdf
J.P. Lambert

« Kick off » for the concluding panel discussion

PDF icon Lambert_Ethical Forum 2015 UF 12-11-2015.pdf
P. DETROZ et al.

"Implémentation des Learning Analytics dans l’enseignement supérieur" : Suivant quelle démarche ? À quelles conditions et pour quels bénéfices ? (report for the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles)

PDF icon rapport_Learning_Analytics.pdf
VLOR (Flemish Education Council)

Point of view of the VLOR (Flemish Education Council) (in Dutch)

PDF icon VLOR advies.pdf

Harnessing the era of AI in higher education

PDF icon 386670eng.pdf
EUA (European University Association)

EUA Occasional Papers : MOOCs,  Masssive Open Online Courses

PDF icon EUA-MOOCreport.pdf
J.P. Lambert

Choix des orientations et besoins de la société. Article pour Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique. (in French)

PDF icon Choix des orientations.pdf

Comprendre et améliorer les pratiques d’évaluation des acquis des étudiants dans l’enseignement supérieur (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles)

PDF icon FWB_Rapport_PraDES - Marc Romainville_compr.pdf
Various authors

Discussion articles in the Flemish press and media (in Dutch)

PDF icon discussiedoc.pdf
European Commission

Report to the European Commission on “New modes of learning and teaching in higher education

PDF icon modernisation-universities_en (1).pdf
K.M. Lauridsen et al.

Final document of the IntlUni Erasmus Academic Network project 2012-15. See also

PDF icon The opportunities and challenges of the MMLS_Final report_sept 2015[20932].pdf
Wouter Duyck

Newspaper discussion items (in Dutch)

PDF icon wouter_duyck.pdf
Government of Flanders

Reports on the situation in Flemish Higher Education

PDF icon Taalverslag_academiejaar_2015_2016.pdf, PDF icon Taalverslag_academiejaar_2014_2015.pdf, PDF icon Taalverslag_academiejaar 2013_2014.pdf
Wouter Duyck

Paper in "THEMA" (in Dutch)

PDF icon Vraag het SIMON.pdf
Paul Belleflamme, Julie Jacqmin (CORE)

An economic appraisal of MOOC platforms: business models and impacts on higher education

PDF icon Belleflamme Jacqmin (2014) MOOCs.pdf

Presentation Jeroen Huisman

PDF icon Jeroen Huisman.pdf
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

État des lieux et analyse critique des évolutions relatives à la langue d’enseignement dans l’enseignement supérieur. Pour une politique linguistique de l’enseignement supérieur en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

PDF icon Etat_des_lieux_et_anal_critique_enseign_sup_decembre_2015 (1).pdf

Standpunt VLOR (Vlaamse Onderwijsraad)

PDF icon VLOR_advies_taalbeleid.pdf

Opiniestuk De Standaard 24 januari 2023 pp. 26-27

File OPINIE.docx

Standpunt VVS (Vereniging Vlaamse Studenten)

PDF icon 20170420 Standpunt Taalbeleid_VVS.pdf

Presentation Daniela Craciun

PDF icon Craciun_Ethical Forum_share.pdf
Etienne PEYRAT

Presentation Peyrat

PDF icon US_French Higher Education[99925].pdf
Times Higher Education

 A bridge too far? Europe mulls growth of English-language courses.

PDF icon A bridge too far Europe mulls growth of English-language courses Times Higher Education (THE).pdf

Talk by Patrick Stouthuysen on the attitude of Carlonie Pauwels

PDF icon Caroline_Pauwels.pdf
Terry Anderson

Promise and/or Peril: MOOCs and Open and Distance Education

PDF icon MOOCsPromisePeril.pdf

slides Mark Waer

PDF icon mark_waer_Ethical forum.pdf
KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie voor Wetenschappen)

Nederlands en/of Engels. Taalkeuze met beleid in het Nederlands Hoger Onderwijs.

PDF icon KNAW_20170711-verkenning-Taalbeleid-Nederlands-en-of-Engels-web (1).pdf
F. van Splunder & C. Engelen

Ruimte voor creatieve oplossingen.
Taal in het Vlaams hoger onderwijs: beleid en praktijk3.

PDF icon Th&ma 2018-3 Ruimte voor creatieve oplossingen.pdf
F. van Splunder

Language ideologies regarding English-medium instruction in European higher education: insights from Flanders and Finland

PDF icon DALP 2016 Chptr 9.pdf